Monday, January 01, 2007


This will be my last post before I get shipped off to National Service. It's 5.47am in the morning and I cannot sleep. And it's not because I'm excited about National Service(ehem ehem) but because I woke up with a bad case of nausea. Yes, before I leave, I will tell you a short account of my New Year's Eve.

Well, my night began at 10pm. I know it's a bit too late to begin but who cares. I made reservations at Bla Bla Bla for 10. And me and 6 other people ate. Left the restaurant at around 11.30pm. And there was a traffic jam. We were in a rush to get to Travillion before 12 am because we wanted to countdown. Fortunately, we got to Trav 3 mins before 12 and it was jam packed with people. Everyone was squeezing and every club was packed. Not to mention, a certain club(not to name drop but it's called MC^3) overcharged and hiked up the entrance fee to 15 bucks. Sigh. Anyway, we countdown in Zen and then we partied. Couldn't dance much because it was SOOOOOOO packed with people. Could barely even move. So me, being the attention lover I am managed to get up to the pool table(courtesy of a bunch of other clubbers I don't know, but THANK YOU!) with my best bud and we danced the night away. How was it? Well, my shoes were soaked in beer but besides that, it was REALLY FUN(No details here. Ced will prolly delete the whole paragraph) and I effing enjoyed myself. Nevertheless, I got home LATE!(was supposed to get home by 1am and i got back at 2.30? but what the heck) My dad wasn't angry (thank god). There goes my very under-described night. I'm too lazy to get into details anyway because it's a bit hazy to me too ;p

*sinister laugh*

Here's all the best to everyone on the blogging team especially to Andrew who developed Jylphobia. And I have to apologize to Sam for not replying her text because I was too busy dancing on pool tables. Have fun everyone and good luck. My love to all. Ta people. See you during CNY!


kVys2o0o said...

haha... you don't seem to be those clubbing type of gurl ler!~ haha... after all you DIDNT seem to get used of the clubbing songs in my car :P and tuned down the volume -.-"

anyway, don't think you will read it anyway... good luck in NS camp :D Looking forward to hear from you after two months :D hav fun!

Anonymous said...

nvr like her, gud thng she's leaving 4 long

Sam said...

I wonder which person with no balls had to comment anonymously. At least la leave name so we can brag about ur great attributes also mah.

Jylene! Kenny seems to be convinced your a poster girl for good habits well, sleep early, study hard, ignore all else.


=) Its okay lol.

Aquavires said...

How cruel... NS starts on the 1st day of the new year! =S

Take care!

Lord Divious said...


Return safely from NS. Seeing your image. I am sad I never got the chance of meeting you in person =(

And pool table dancing...I demand a video of it >.>

Eli James said...

Kenny knows nowt. Hehe. No he doesn't. And he knows it. Oh, and that was Andrew Ho. What is it with him and commentinfg annonymously?


Pool dancing! Ish! Happy new year jyl, and when you come back start prepping your brain for neuro surgery!

Sam said...

Andrew Ho?

Hrm...people normally don't have that much guts to say things like those to others face.