Thursday, October 04, 2007

Radiohead Releases New Album. Price? Up 2 U

Jylene recently did a Radiohead review for The Square, and a recent news item caught my eye: they have a new album. They're going sans label, and you can have it two ways: the first is by buying the physical box set, which costs £40.00, no matter where you live in the world. The second is by download, off their website. Cost? Up to you.

According to a spokesperson for the band, most are paying the normal price for an album (~£10) and few are going for ~£0.01. Downloads start 10 October. I've placed my pre-order. £0.00.

This is radical. No record label, no big brouhaha in music stores worldwide. You can pay anything you like ... I wonder if they accept used undies?

Let's see how this turns out. Those of you interested, place your pre order here. The site rocks.


Sam said...

Saw this in the papers. 0.00? Very Malaysian lol!!!!

Eli James said...

Yeah. I found it on 9Rules. Trust them to release the news when Sems start.