Saturday, June 09, 2007

First Feature Film On Youtube

Four Eyed Monsters - 70 minutes long. Marshall Kirkpatrick is raving about it: the film being a “model of new media in action” and will be available on YouTube for one week.

Here it is: (for one week):

I'm watching. And am amazed at the quality of it.


Reening said...

WOAH! Awesome, how did they get it too fit???

Sam said...

This needs a PG rating. (BUGS has to remain...kiddy friendly)
I finish loading it. Watched halfway. And then Vivians spam jammed up my firefox. *WTFH!*

Eli James said...

It rocks. Going to write a review soon. It's not about sex - tho I loved the sex scene - shock inducing! And STDs! LOL!

Daniel Chong said...

I dont... like the featured film. They just had sex 24/7 nia. The part I like the most was the 'advertisement' to the what country gallery art thing... so funny...