Saturday, December 01, 2007

We developed a language along the way


I thought my ears were playing tricks on me when I heard an acquintance of mine utter those three letters one day. I thought that maybe I had been stressing too much and was beginning to hallucinate (no, seriously, the hallucinating thing has never happened to me before). And then she repeated the three magic letters again.

It got me thinking. Since when do we utter OMG in place of the phrase "oh my God" or "oh my gosh" depending on your preference. I am one who is guilty of using it in my chats and SMSes, but when someone says it out loud, it just sounds.. wrong.

I've heard of people saying LOL out loud when they want to laugh. I mean, for real? Why would anyone do that? Are the abbreviations getting too much? According to some, yes. It has created an altogether different language that youngsters use to communicate, especially online, when they try to secure whatever privacy they have away from their parents. The vocab has expanded so greatly that you and I can just come up with anything we want right now and with some networking, we'd get it out there in no time.

But will we ever get enough of these LOLs (or LAWLs, if you like it that way) and ROTFLMAOs? How much is too much?

Will we all begin to say LOL instead of laugh for real in the near future?

Till then, oh am gee.


Eli James said...

That was hilarious insight, Crystal. Good one.

LMAO hrmm?

Sam said...

I understand. It was surprising to hear vivian LOL me. "omigosh lollll"

Oh-Em-Gee's have become normal and so have double you-tee-effs.


Our language is either backtracking or...improving.

crystaL jo said...

It's improving.. in a bad way. The whole OMG thing made me feel like I was in a place filled with bubbleheads with nothing between the ears. Save me.

Daniel Chong said...

Er.. never hear people say "LOL" out loud before ler. Haha. Somebody, pls amaze me.

crystaL jo said...

I haven't too. I've just heard of them. Usually hear the OMGs and WTFs.