Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Protons Islamic Car Concept

An interesting bit of news made the middlelines (as opposed to headlines?) in todays The Star.

After embarrassing encounters with Germans Volkswagen recently, and a jaw dropping 30.4% drop in sales from 2006, it seems that Proton has come up with what they call a "solution" to their problems. One would say they have found their golden egg.

Try not laughing.

The Islamic Car
"Malaysia, together with Iran and Turkey, plans to produce this car concept for the global market. It is expected to have features such as a compass Kiblat, and special compartments for keeping the Quran and scarves. Proton might have found a new niche here."

Absolutely ridiculous. Most European automobiles already have GPS that can determine the Kiblat with a press of a finger- and Proton plans to delve back into the middle ages with a compass. Plus, every other car in the *cough* global market *cough* HAS compartments. I wonder how these special compartments are going to be.

How do you solat in a car, anyway?

Who knows. It might just work. A marketing gimmick that might just absolutely work.

"How does having a compass Kiblat reading and compartments for the Quran make the proposed so-called Islamic car fundamentally distinct from all other cars?"

Nothing. They better come up with something better. Innovate, damn it.

Yes. Proton is indeed a Hen that has laid it golden egg.

We call those kinds of hens... chicken.


Andrew said...

Increasing import tax isnt going to help Proton in any way. Malaysia made cars just.. suck? The only reason that Malaysians are buying them is because of the heavy tax.

Try going to SG. I saw a lamboghini there once. Protons? Well, they are kinda rare you know. Why get a proton when you can get a 1 series for the same price?

Eli James said...

A. 1. Series. For. The. Same. Price.

Oh wow. *salivates*

And their kancils would be our Mini Austens? =)

Honestly, though. This is ... quite the marketing move. I do hope they'll succeed - God knows we don't need another corporate failure on our hands.

Andrew said...

Not your hands to care lah ceddy. Only our crappy country.

Protons should make 2.0 l cars larh. Highest only 1.8. Try making 4X4's ler. Always the budget type. What? Look down on own countrymen meh?

Sam said...

Ceddy!? o.O

Anyway, it'll sell here in msia. All locally made cars SELL here in Msia because ....Msians are attracted to them like...Sam to badminton.

Look at the Persona. It was recycled from half a Waja and half a Gen-2 and ta-daa! A Persona. It's still Selling pretty well!

Eli James said...

Andrew has many nicknames for many things. I've given up trying to change ppl's names for me ... after the Boss/Bodric/Nerd/Ah Pek fiasco Ceddy is a watered down comparison.

Hey, the persona is pretty okay. They learnt from their mistakes and put out a decent make with the Satria Neo, and the Persona is a logical follow on of that.

Support Proton la. We have no other choice in the matter, after all.

Andrew said...

What about the box looking car? Juara or something. Do you still see it on the streets?

Anonymous said...

Use motorcycle la.

Why proton never think of The Islamic Motorcycle.

Should be good ler. At every solat time the motorbike will not be able to work- it'll just stall, like that. To ensure that they are praying...

And keep Mat Rempits off street oso.

Anonymous said...

I love Ceddy.

Andrew said...

I thought got Kris already? Why can't they think of better name? Don't tell me next name is Parang arh?

Eh.. like that macam very insulting nia le daniel.

Anonymous said...

whats insulting?
sorry... loving cedric is insulting.. sigh.

Andrew said...

Perasan lar you. As long as not someone else enough liaw.

I meant being sarcastic torwards the Malays by implying that only Islams are Mat Rempits. Bleh

Daniel Chong said...

Oh you're right. I didnt realize that. Subconscious sarcasm.

Anyway 1 hour ago some stupid (insert curse words here that I dont care to mention because ive exhausted myself using them for the past one hour) motorbike rode pass my car and used a knife and scratch the whole length of it.

The motorcyclist just tore through the road and walloped my car.


Bloody deep scratch line.


And no I didnt see who the rider was so I cant say.... mat rempit? haha.

saykhia said...

I support locally-made cars, really I do. I mean, I love my Kelisa. Although it's pretty much based on a Japanese car design, it's still a pretty good drive.

HOWEVER. I don't support local car companies asking their employees to write down their recent daydreams on a scrap of paper, throw them into a hat, randomly pulls one out and calling it a 'selling point'. Nor do I support Malaysia's childish overzealousness in branding the Islamic name.

I am not against Islam. I am against Malaysia's funny angle of looking at things. Grow up, Malaysia.

Eli James said...

Hey, they'll probably make a space car next. Which is so cool all the Jetsons fans will start buying.


Anonymous said...

The sale of local cars reflect Malaysia's attitude towards the Kyoto Protocol. They are so darn cheap(compared to othe carslah) that nearly 85%(i think) of working ubanites can afford them. The envinronment can be put on hold anyway, even if we didn't have land to live on, we can just send people to space. Man, i'm so good today.


Anonymous said...


Aku tak nak debat hal agame kat sini. Tapi korang boleh fikir la, ape salahnye proton nak buat motor Islamik. Ini menunjukkan agame kami memang menyeluruh (universal) sampai motor pun boleh jadik Islamik. Bukannye korang susah pun kalau proton buat motor islamik, kenape ? Korang jeles ek ? Korang nak motor ape plak ? Motor kristianity ? Proton boleh buat kalau ade persetujuan dgn negara2 lain. Tapi nampaknya org barat yg maju dlm bidang permotoran tak 'alim' sngat.

Korang ni belagak la. Setakat boleh cakap english terus nak pijak kepala kerajaan. Karang kerajaan tak nak tolong korang kang baru tau. Ape salahnye proton nak buat motor islamik ? Lawak ke ? Ape yg lawaknye ? Bukannya proton pakse engkau beli pun.

Sekurang2nya dapat menunjukkan agama Islam mementingkan ilmu dan teknologi.

Korang ni kuat sangat nak mengata kerajaan pasal ? Pernah ke nak tolong ? Nak mengata lebih, nak tolongnya tidak !!! Haprak taik kucing. Korang ni boleh digelar rakyat Malaysia ke kalau asyik mementingkan negara lain ? Tak berterima kasih. Syukur kerajaan bagi kebebasan beragama dan berbahasa. Karang jadi mcm Indon dgn Thailand baru korang tau. Takda semangat patriotik langsung...

Anonymous said...

Pandai sangatlah engkau kritik proton. Kau pernah nak sokong ke ? Aku tanya kau ni, kau pernah sokong ke ?

Rakyat Malaysia macam apa kau ni ??? Tak ada semangat cintakan negara.

Apa salahnya kalau ada Kereta Islam ? Kau dengki ke ? Kalau kau tak tau apa2 pasal Islam you just shut up la. Don't make any noise here. Macam katak bawah tempurung tak tau apa2. Kalau dah tak tau ttg Islam, diam je la. Kau pernah baca Quran ke ? Ini mengata lebih, tapi tak tau apa-apa.

Andrew said...

Saya respect kamu sebab kamu berkata demikian. Tapi, apa hak kamu untuk panggil orang bodoh? Setakat itu sajakah cara kamu mengutuk orang? Suka hatilah kami mahu kata apa. Ini bukannya melanggar ISA pun. Bahkan kau bukannya ugs member pun.

Nah, kalau pelir besar sangat.. cubalah letak nama benar kah apa. Ini pulak.. setakat kampung boy saja. Apalah. Salahkah bertutur bahasa inggeris? Jeles? Aduhai.

Eli James said...

I wonder if GM will ever come out with a Christian car. Considering they're facing huge problems with their pension (or more properly titled 401(k)) plans.

But they didn't.

And proton, which is state supported, did.

Corporate rethink needed, anyone?

Haziq Al-Fateh said...

Saya menasihati semua agar janganlah bergaduh atau bermusuh-musuhan sesama kaum. Kita rakyat Malaysia. Baik, menurut komen Andrew saya ingin membuat pengakuan memang majoriti Mat Rempit di Malaysia ini adalah orang Melayu. Mereka juga beragama Islam. Tetapi, komen Andrew "...only Islams are Mat Rempits" mengatakan bahawa cuma orang yang beragama Islam terlibat dalam Mat Rempit. Ini terlalu menyeluruh. Sepatutnya dia mengatakan "...only Malays are Mat Rempits" Ini baru betul.
Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa agama Islam mengajar penganutnya agar mengamalkan nilai-nilai positif dan melakukan aktiviti yang boleh membawa manfaat kepada semua pihak. Tetapi, Mat Rempit ini tidak mengamalkan ajaran Islam. Oleh sebab inilah, agama Islam sentiasa dipandang hina dan dikritik oleh agama lain kerana penganutnya tidak mangamalkan ajaran agamanya sendiri. I respect to the Chinese race because they`re very discipline and well-behaved. Saya amat malu akan perbuatan masyarakat yang sama bangsa dengan saya. Walaupun saya tidak terlibat dengan kegiatan yang tidak sihat, saya sering disisihkan oleh rakan saya yang berbangsa Cina kerana saya org Melayu. Mereka telah memandang rendah org Melayu dan melihat org Melayu sebagai bangsa yang mundur. Saya berazam ingin belajar bahasa Cina kerana cuma itu shj cara untuk saya bercampur dengan kaum Cina.

Orang Cina yang bukan beragama Islam amat disiplin dan baik dari segi tingkah laku dan akademik. Mereka mematuhi ajaran agama mereka tetapi kenapa dengan bangsa Melayu. Apa sudah jadi? Mereka telah jauh ketinggalan. Oleh itu, saya berazam untuk membawa bangsaku ini balik ke jalan yang benar dan kembali kepada ajaran agama. Semoga agama Islam tidak lagi dipandang rendah oleh agama lain di masa akan datang. PEACE BE UPON YOU AND HOPE THAT GOD BLESSED YOU ALL!

Mohammad Nazrin@Ust. Mohamad,
Ex-Thomian 2007.

Ustaz Mohamad said...

Saya menasihati semua agar janganlah bergaduh atau bermusuh-musuhan sesama kaum. Kita rakyat Malaysia. Baik, menurut komen Andrew saya ingin membuat pengakuan memang majoriti Mat Rempit di Malaysia ini adalah orang Melayu. Mereka juga beragama Islam. Tetapi, komen Andrew "...only Islams are Mat Rempits" mengatakan bahawa cuma orang yang beragama Islam terlibat dalam Mat Rempit. Ini terlalu menyeluruh. Sepatutnya dia mengatakan "...only Malays are Mat Rempits" Ini baru betul.
Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa agama Islam mengajar penganutnya agar mengamalkan nilai-nilai positif dan melakukan aktiviti yang boleh membawa manfaat kepada semua pihak. Tetapi, Mat Rempit ini tidak mengamalkan ajaran Islam. Oleh sebab inilah, agama Islam sentiasa dipandang hina dan dikritik oleh agama lain kerana penganutnya tidak mangamalkan ajaran agamanya sendiri. I respect to the Chinese race because they`re very discipline and well-behaved. Saya amat malu akan perbuatan masyarakat yang sama bangsa dengan saya. Walaupun saya tidak terlibat dengan kegiatan yang tidak sihat, saya sering disisihkan oleh rakan saya yang berbangsa Cina kerana saya org Melayu. Mereka telah memandang rendah org Melayu dan melihat org Melayu sebagai bangsa yang mundur. Saya berazam ingin belajar bahasa Cina kerana cuma itu shj cara untuk saya bercampur dengan kaum Cina.

Orang Cina yang bukan beragama Islam amat disiplin dan baik dari segi tingkah laku dan akademik. Mereka mematuhi ajaran agama mereka tetapi kenapa dengan bangsa Melayu. Apa sudah jadi? Mereka telah jauh ketinggalan. Oleh itu, saya berazam untuk membawa bangsaku ini balik ke jalan yang benar dan kembali kepada ajaran agama. Semoga agama Islam tidak lagi dipandang rendah oleh agama lain di masa akan datang. PEACE BE UPON YOU AND HOPE THAT GOD BLESSED YOU ALL!

Mohammad Nazrin@Ust. Mohamad,
Ex-Thomian 2007.

Peringatan: Dalam komen saya yg lepas saya telah menggunakan akaun rakan saya, Muhammad Khatami. Saya tidak sedar bahawa saya komen menggunakan akaun dia. Bukan saya yang memiliki akaun itu tetapi rakan saya yang telah lama berpindah dari sekolah St. Thomas. Jadi, saya repost komen saya ini semula menggunakan akaun saya yang sebenar agar tiada orang lain yang akan salah faham terhadap saya. Harap maklum!

Ustaz Mohamad said...

Saya mencadangkan anda membaca Holy Quran with English Translation agar anda memahami ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Semoga segala perselisihan faham ini boleh berakhir dengan baik. Saya juga ada membaca Holy Bible tetapi untuk sekadar pengetahuan bukan untuk diamalkan. May God blessed you all!

Mohammad Nazrin@ Ust. Mohamad,
Bakal pendakwah bebas.

Zhang BeiHai said...

Greetings Nazrin

As a promoter of peace and justice I understand that a poster unconciously implied that all Mat Rempits are Muslims.

I too, was righteously enraged until another poster of this site- a true patriot overwhelmed with the spirit of nationality-admonished him for the indirect insult.

The culprit hurriedly admitted his err without condition as he realized the significance of tolerance and peace within a multicultural society; and was gravely disappointed in his own ignorance.

The disunity halted there as the posters realized the importance of maintaining order to ensure that we, a multicultural society, continue to live in love and harmony.

With a higher level of purpose, any critique from then on was only directed towards the marketing strategy or the configuration of Proton, the national pride. Quote: Protons should make 2.0 l cars larh. Highest only 1.8. Try making 4X4's ler. Always the budget type.

We therefore arrive at an implication that the posters were keen to assume a constructive stance for the good and beneficence of nationalism.

Most posters commended Proton's innovative marketing strategy. One poster; being intellectually able, even suggested that Proton expand the Islamic branding scheme to include motorcycles. I cannot but congratulate him upon his admirable idea of a stalling mechanism.

Other positive suggestions include the rectification of a certain product identity; for the sake of augmenting the icon of our national pride.

This community will not go as low as to bombard religion.

However, I take concern upon your critical analysis of the present dilemma- whereby you accent the lack of ethics.

We are Malaysians; epitomes of peace and justice- and we can work together as one in a war to fight this terrible haunt for the sake of the country and the world; for the uprightness of today and tomorrow.

A Promoter of Peace and Justice


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. You`re absolutely right.

Anonymous said...

May I see those posters please if you can take the pictures of them? Thanks for your help and time!

Zhang BeiHai said...

The posters I meant were the ppl who posted here, not the..paper kinda poster ^^

And if you truly knew me and my attitude, you won't have taken my words too seriously. Some just contain deep, ingrained, sarcasm.

But it's good to see that you know when to take your views to a moderate level. Doing so demonstrates your determination to reason and we truly appreciate that.