Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Photo caption: The CNY edition, Episode 3

Since there seems to be a lack of posts recently, perhaps due to the Chinese New Year celebrations, I will be resuming the photo captions posts. This time, here’s a photo taken at Garrick’s house when we gathered at his house on the 8th day of Chinese New Year.

Just in case you didn’t know, the person in the green shirt and standing is our admin, Roa aka Dienasty aka Eli James.
The person with his hand outstretched is another admin, Fre3ch aka kvys2000.
And finally the girl with the messy hair is Wandkey.

Roa: You want my Coke? I dare you to grab Wandkey’s hair before I’ll give you my Coke. And if you don’t dare, I’ll shoot!

Fre3ch: Hah? Got like that one meh? Eehyer. Ok oklar… *Reaches out to grab*

Wandkey: Smile for the camera, guys… *Blisfully unaware of what’s going on behind*

Now, your turn. You know the drill, captions in the comments. Have fun!


Sam said...

Why the deadness?
Gee~ Out of steam already issit the BUGGERS?

Wen Qi: How do I look?
Kenny: Oooh, You look nice, let me touch your hair...
Cedric: No touchy feely around here, or I'll bang your brains out!

wandkey said...

Haha. Good one. But then, I talk about hair, you talk about hair too. And you make Kenny seem miang. Tsk tsk.

Sam said...

LoL...He's reaching towards your hair mah!


wandkey said...

No, he was not! He looks more like he is trying to shake hands or something. Actually, I don't know what was going on.

Eli James said...

Urm... Ass touching?

Me: Bang.
Him: Lurches forward, eyes open.
Her: Smiles.

I'm out of ideas. And sorry! I'll post something soon on BUGS! I swear!

Anonymous said...

the blog is dead, forget it, this is not working

wandkey said...

Haha. Thanks for the alert, anon. Guess people are too busy with their own things these days to bother.

Eli James said...

Herrm? Mon cherr, this blog contains far too many thoughts and shares to not not work.

Yes, mua is busy. Yes, mua is wondering what Ruby on Rails is.

Yes, mua is wondering why endru is posting annonymously.

Sam said...


Endru...revive this blog liaw. Hump it.