Friday, September 28, 2007

Art and Engineering

I know this is a BMW ad, but I've been thinking about the parallels between the two lately. Especially since the arts vs science in Malaysian schools debate has reared its ugly head in my mind once again. I love arts - I write and I read and who says music and wine and food isn't enjoyable? But I'm stuck in science, because it's the proper thing to do.

Then I watched this video, and my breath is knocked out of me. Here is good science, compressed and tested and made beautiful. The wind, given form and tangible movement. Theo Jansen is a genius.

*PS: That machine there is called a strandbeest. A contraption that runs on wind. Wonderful.


Zhang BeiHai said...

Need no words to describe this, or there are simply none.

Eli James said...

*High fives Paul*

Zhang BeiHai said...

hmmm.. this is a true novelty, it's too bad the blog is dead. Can I paste it on my blog?

Eli James said...

Yes. Go ahead. Exams marrr..