Thursday, August 16, 2007

Patriotisme of a Little Kid

My mum told me what happened in her school last week. It was so funny I can't help but tell it here. Let's see if it has the same effect. The cuteness of little kids. ----

She was hanging up flags to celebrate National Day when one of her students, a little boy suddenly came up to her and asked her what she was doing.

"Hanging flags."
"What are flags?"

"These. Here, you see. These are our Sarawak flag and Malaysian Flag".

It's kind of hard, to explain the concept of a flag to a 4 year old kid. So at the end of her diluted explanation of what a flag stood for, the kid just stared.

"It's to celebrate Hari Merdeka. Malaysia being free !"

The little kid FINALLY got the "gist " of it and exclaimed.

"OHHHH!!! Malaysia Boleh hia?"

This is what good advertising of catchphrases such as Malaysia Boleh does to kids.


zewt said...

haha! speechless....

Andrew said...

namewee could learn from this

The Girl said...

cute kid lol

Eli James said...

Very cute kid. Let's hope he never hears about Ops Lalang, or the NEP anytime soon.