Sunday, March 25, 2007

Internet memories, musings and a random photo

Today, when I opened up my Hotmail inbox, which I seldom ever do these day, I prefer using Gmail, I noticed a Hi-5 invite from a friend. Which led me to think, when was the last time I had even logged in to Hi-5? Haha. I remember the old days, when Hi-5 was just as or almost as popular as Friendster. Remember reading the blogs of two of the bloggers here at Undergroundsquare, Hi-5 journals were their first baby steps into the blogging world. I mean, can you imagine a Sam (magickfreak) blog sans photos? Well, back in her pre-camera days, her blog was just that. And I remember that Saykhia had a journal in Hi-5 too. Goodness, those days seem so long ago.

Anyway, as I was reading through my profile there, I actually cringed! Well, it has only been two years since then, and reading what I wrote back then in my self-description makes me feel like deleting the whole thing. But I hesitated, since I’d like to preserve a part of that as memories. Same goes for my blog, there are certainly some very cringe-worthy posts in the archives. And some posts that make me go, “Wow, how did I write that?” It’s always an adventure to venture down blog memory lane.

Remember back when Fr3ech still had a Xanga blog? Or when Eli James had just the one active blog? (He has multiple blogs now) I searched deep into archives and discovered that Eli James’s love for Apple is one of the things that has not changed much over the years. Heh.

Okay, my point is, sometimes it’s good to look back into the past, it makes us realise how far we have come and also reminds us of who we are. However having said that, we should also remember not to dwell too much in the past. The past is unchangeable, but the future is. That’s something I have to constantly remind myself.

Now, time for random photo of the day…

Manicure in session. And our Boss before his Chlorophyll colour hair. Hmm…


Eli James said...

You actually dug into my archives! Whoah.

Yeah, back in the day blogging was just a way to write a diary. No blogger celebs, no commercial blogs, no Technorati.

I may slightly miss the old days, but blogging at the moment, while still teething and finding its role in the democratization of mass media rocks in its own way, too.

wandkey said...

Okay, I didn't exactly dig into your archives, that was a slight exaggeration. I just went to the first few posts that you made, and on that page I happened to saw that Apple post. That's all.

Not to worry, I don't stalk blogs in that way. Anymore. Hehe

Sam said...


My Hi5 Journal has never been publicized before. And now that you've done it for me...I fear for what people might find in the...less-mature days of Sam.

*Cringe again*

saykhia said...

Don't worry, Sam. Hi5 is still a strictly members-only thing, so your journal is pretty much safe from many prying eyes (as is mine!).

I just wrote about this issue not many posts back in my blog. I wonder if there are any connections? =P

Eli James said...

Hrmm. I'm reading it now, Aldrin - and it's true ... these days with all the incoming links my blog is a lot more well established than 4 years ago ... which makes it easy to find.

But the problem is that while my content was me and honest and direct and quirky, it wasn't written in GOOD writing, the way i write now. Which is a sad exchange.

Private blogs, anyone?

Thought not. So how are we going to balance it out?

wandkey said...

Cedric, are you saying that the way you write now is GOOD writing then? Hehe.

How are we going to balance it out? Mulitple blogs! One for every purpose. Haha.