Sunday, January 21, 2007

There are now MORE women in the world

This was written by a woman probably, but origin unknown.

Why ladies today are still single:

  1. The nice men are ugly.
  2. The handsome men are not nice.
  3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
  4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
  5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.
  6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.
  7. The handsome men without money are after our money.
  8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
  9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.
  10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!!
  11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.
Now, who the hell understands men? Men are like fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with.

At this point i got a little miffed. The cheek! How they dare they! *clears throat* Got it from a funny Malaysian article, along with the statistics that 70% percent of all those joining the workforce as professionals are women. So. This means a few things.

Men who are professional and single better start practising one liners (not!). Plenty of fish in a small pond. Women better get married before they start working.

And, as the author wrote:

To the somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual men, make the first move.

Which number do you think i am?


wandkey said...

I would say the author himself is more of a number 4. Although not exactly married, but unavailable. :(

What say the other people, I wonder?

And I do know some number 9s. How sad. But I can't tell if they are number 9 or 10.

Eli James said...


*hides in a dark cave and sharpens knives*

wandkey said...

Oh dear. Ok ok sorry.

Announcement everybody: Cedric aka Dienasty is very much available. And is nothing like any of the lousy guys described in this post.

Can you put away the knives now?

Anonymous said...

i m handsome and nice, can I be not gay?

Anonymous said...

I think i read this one before....

Even though i belong to category 1 and 5,(hehehe i call myself nice otherwise i have no category that reli suits me) i am so hope i can elevate myself(even tho quite an eon) to category.........3.......Hurray for Bishonens!!!!

and what is the real indentity of guys that belong to category 9 and 10 in WenQi eyes?
I am so curious about it.....

wandkey said...

So curious about who are 9 or 10s eh, Zhe Rong? Haha. That would be for me to know, and you to guess.

And are you sure you wana "elevate" yourself to a number 3? Don't make the girls cry till no tears later. Then again, the other side may warmly welcome you. Hmm...

Aquavires said...

Lol... what lovely generalizations!

I have a feeling that #11 was something that the original author sprinkled at the end, to justify her rants of #9 and #10. #11 is not true.

As for #9 and #10, well... with the advancement of feminism, the campaigns for gender equality and whatnot, you'd think that women would now have the right to make the first move instead of complaining that no guy would approach them... er, right? =P

Having said that, I think Cedric best fits in #10... *grins and runs away*

Eli James said...

Wah. And what are you, Tze Howe? Andrew Ho is definitely a #9 ...

Zhe Rong! You need an outlet! Turning gay for the sake of anime! Issshhh ...

Joshie New said...

lolz!nice quote.i've got one:
men are like parking spots.the good ones are taken and the rest are handicaps.

Eli James said...

Ehheh! So either we're not good, or we're handicapped in some way.

*sticks tongue out before Josh throws something*

@Wen Qi, yeah, i very well might be #9

wandkey said...

Cedric I don't think I mentioned that you are a 9.. Perasan? Hehe.

Nolar, all of you guys have no place in this list, better than that lar. So, no need to give yourself a number.

Anonymous said...

I am not turning gay because of anime, romantic/sexual interest has been swinging for quite a long time already(years) don't start generalisation.......

On topic, are you sure you belong to category 9, Ced? Because i think you belong to category.........8972.......LOL

Anonymous said...

Ced is gay. Totally gay. Pray for him

Sam said...

The world is doomed.

Eli James said...

Hmm. Doomed to grey economies? Hehe. As sze howe said, great generalizations.

Joshie New said...

generalizations? we should be more concerned with generations!with stats like that, sam is right, the world is doomed!

Eli James said...

Hiaz. That there are more girls or that there are less men? A study confirms that the world will have 51% males by 2010, but i can't vouch for it's credibility.

Anonymous said...

But according to what i know, the males chromosome will slowly degrade(Thoughout the next BILLIONS) and in the end there might be no male in the future billion years ahead(as for possiblity of earth to survive until that period....that's another stories)

Eli James said...

Oh dear. And you know what this means? That you an i will be members of a dying breed! Wee! Rarity!

Anonymous said...

Manhood will die due to evolutionary process(for the next BILLIONS year)........but before that i think earth is already we are all DYING BREED........