Sunday, May 06, 2007

Some Funny Photos from UGS Gatherings

I was browsing through my photo albums in the computer, trying to get inspiration for a blog post here when I came across some photos that illicit some laughs. Come and have a look…

This is the kind of look of intense attention and focusing you can only get from guys when they are engrossed in something they really enjoy, like gaming or watching sports. Haha.

And this candid photo taken by my brother just somehow looks kinda funny. I have no idea what Kenny was doing with his hand action. And somehow Cedric’s pose just looks cool, as if he’s advertising for Pepsi Twist. This was back in his “pre-green hair” days.

But this photo is the funniest of the lot in my opinion. I do wonder what Cedric was doing with his hands in that position… Ahem. And Danny is just serenely observing. Haha.

I'm sure the other BUGGERs here would have more funny photos than this. Yea, and it’s no coincidence that all the photos above have Cedric in them. And no coincidence that all of the photo caption posts photos have him in them too. Somehow, he just injects humour into photos. Don’t you, Boss? Haha. *Jumps into portal to another world to escape the fury of the green-haired monster*


Eli James said...

Ehheh. Wait till you see the Judo pictures where I'm pinned down.

Humour my *** ;P

wandkey said...

Oh, you have photos to share? Please do. Hehe.