Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's a blogging world

In the past, it could be said that a person can be judged by the books he or she reads. Now, the same can be said for blogs. As in, you can roughly tell a person by the blogs he or she reads.

Are blogs like Kennysia, Smashpop, Xiaxue in your RSS feeds? Then most likely you are an average Malaysian blog-reader, and probably in your teens or twenties?

Read blogs like Pink Is The New Blog, PerezHilton? You’re one who keeps up with celebrity gossip of the West and probably quite.. “Westernised”.

Frequent Cheeserland, Fireangel, Clapbangkiss? Hmm… you do love eyecandy, don’t you?

Keep to up to date with posts from Malik Imtiaz, Jeff Ooi? Ooh.. serious stuff.

Always end up at kyspeaks, food lover or similar foodie blogs? Why do you tempt yourself so? Haha. We eat to live, not live to eat. *Hypocrite*

Read Boing boing, Techcrunch, Wired? You’re probably a techie lover like many of the people here at BUGS.

Are your bookmarks filled with feeds to your friend’s blogs? Aaaww.. You really do care about what’s going on with your friends’ life, don’t you? Either that, or potential stalker alert!

Read all sorts of blogs, anything, by anyone, of any genre? Wow, you really are well read and not picky. Truly amazing.

Ah, only Wandkey could come up with a post as wuliao as this and manage to turn it into a blog plug of sorts. Haha. Well, there are lots of other good blogs out there to read but can’t really be categorised and I don't know how to include them. And then there are really good blogs of the genres mentioned that I do not know of yet. So, go ahead, there is a world full of blogs out there for you to discover!


Sam said...

You left out BUGS. That's categorized under "everything under the sun."


wandkey said...

Ah that would be too much, plugging the blog within the blog.

conan_cat said...

lol i guess i'm the type that reads anything too... of course my friends matters, but i lurve reading others blog too like BUGS :P

newayz, can i recommend other blogs like 5xmom, as Zewt as it gets or rojaks? :P

KY said...

i am hungry :/

wandkey said...

conan_cat: Sure you can recommend those. I was thinking of how to relate to a gazillion other blogs in this post, but guess my creativity and blogging skills has limits.

ky: Hello! I'm hungry too.

Eli James said...

Ooh! I read:

A whole set of litblogs.
My friends.

wandkey said...

dienasty: See what I mean by what you read depicts what kind of person you are? Hehe.