Sunday, May 27, 2007

UGS 5th mini-gathering: Pirates of the Carribean 3, McD

As I sit here typing away, yet again trying to write in my blog posts before the deadline, which is the end of the week, I can only hope for the best for this post.

Okay okay, so on Friday, a few of us UGSers went to watch Pirates of the Carribeans: At World’s End at Star Cineplex. (Yes, try to include more specific names so that they will end up in Google searches. Haha!) So, who was there? Admin Cedric, Tay, Andrew, Andrew’s friends, me and my sister. Yes, not all of us were UGSers. Anyway, special thanks goes out to Andrew for planning and organising this time’s mini-gathering, and getting the tickets. And thanks goes to Tay for helping too, I think. So there you go Cedric, you thanked the wrong person, the person to thank this time was not me.

Well, I went into the theatre 10 minutes late (Sorry!), and not expecting much. What I got was a pleasant surprise, the movie was much funnier than the first. I wouldn’t know if the second one was funny, since I didn’t watch it. Yea, I didn’t watch Spiderman 2 before watching Spiderman 3 either!

Ok, no spoilers, since that would ruin everybody’s movie going experience. But really, there were so many funny parts in the movie, such as the time Jack Sparrow was in a dinghy, map in front of him and a special compass in hand that points the way to thing he desires the most. At first, the compass pointed towards his back, he reached to the back and pulled out a bottle of rum. Then after taking a swig, the compass pointed to where he wanted to go in the map. Hilarious.

Undoubtedly, it was a loooong movie, almost 3 hours I think. Thankfully, the E row seats weren’t too bad, I thought we would really have neck sprain after that, but nope.

So after the movie ended at 10 something, it was just a short walk through the park along the meandering river, okay, the Waterfront and we were at McD. Gosh, the place was packed and the lines were long. Even at that time. There must really be a lot of hungry people in Kuching.

And I pointed out to Cedric that there was so much green food, since they were having a Shrek 3 promotion. There was green ice-cream, green soda, green stuff on chips, and of course green Happy Meal toys. The night was going along well, what with conversation and teasing, on part of Andrew. When it was abruptly cut short when Andrew’s car arrived and Tay and Cedric also left in his car. Leaving just me and my sister behind. Why do I always seem to be the last to leave gatherings? Or close to last?

Well well, next week’s UGS 2nd anniversary on the 3rd of June. Look out for updates here.


Eli James said...

Woots! Fun fun fun! ;P

Andrew said...

i heard no teasing. only comparation

wandkey said...

kubuk: Your ears only hear what you want eh? Haha.

dienasty: Yea. Woots woots, fun!