Friday, December 22, 2006

BUGS Bug Photos

Cedric just provided me with a new UGS Blog abbreviation just now when I said UGS blog was a bit too long to write out all the time. I mean…Even Undergroundsquare got shortened to US before it became UGS.

UGS Blog now referred to as BUGS by those who would like to refer to it as such. And ironically. That was EXACTLY what I wanted to post about. Bugs. Insects. Crawlies.

Recently, (In this week or so) I’ve been facing up with SO MANY DAMN INSECTS!

My house got chosen to be the Red ant empire. There was a Moth conference at Crowne Plaza. I went to Lundu and got bitten 29 times by sandflies thus contributing 2900 baby sandflies ( on an estimation of 100 babies per bite) to the ever growing sandfly economy. There was a nice beetle rolling around on my grandfathers house. And my “Brother” Shuzzle overturned a roach. And we all know how much I HATE roaches.

May I present the first BUGS bug photo post.

Hanging by....a tail? My Garden.
Moth at Crowne Square. I like its reflection.
(I, having no photoshop or whatever, did not edit this photo in any way.)

Primed and ready to bite. At Lundu.

This is a sandfly. (I didn't take this picture)

This is the real size of a sandfly. (I didn't take this picture either)

A fat ant beneath a bottle that I placed on top of it in Hilton. (Still alive okay)

Beetle in my grandfathers house.

Cockroach outside my front door that was over turned...

By my brother. Shuzzle.

Insects. Bugs. Spiders. Moths. Crawlies. Please...Please stay away from me. Unless of course you were delivering my Christmas Present.



Aquavires said...

I seem to have an overabundance of plants in my dA account. You can have an overabundance of insects! ^_^

Sam said...


No thanks. But...I'd rather have an overabundance of peas.

Than insects. ^.^

Though...the insect deviations are crawling upwards...=S