Saturday, December 09, 2006


Seriously guys, you still have 12 hours before you should run out of the streets and shout my name. I know this is gonna happen. I'm not forcing this on you but you always have the liberty to make the right decision. Like the Americans voting for Bush.

Today's word is Vague. I'm not telling you what it means because I know all my readers got brains, you understand the word.Certain people are vague, they give you promises that aren't promises, explanations that aren't explanations, guarantees which are not guarantees. If you're not smart enough, you will be swept off your feet and you will still be wondering what swept you.

You don't get me do you? Here how it goes, I came out of the stage representing let's say the opponent party, Republicans, Democrats, DAP, and I being so damn hot like Arnold Schwarzenegger stood up and say "dear citizens, voting for me means liberty and I guarantee if I were to be your Governor, every trouble will be taken care off, every welfare that weights will be magnified and a solution will be on its way. Me and my team, we shall assure you a safer America, a safer Florida and a safer home.
(Note that Arnold recently won again as Governor of Florida in the midterm election)

Now you must be delighted what a good leader I can be, and is wonderfully thrilled and prepared to do the shouting for me tonight. No, you're wrong. My speech is erroneous. It's totally vague. I guaranteed you liberty, but I never define the liberty we are talking about. They homosexuals would vote for me because they thought I would fight for them to have gay marriage, while the Doctors would think that I am encouraging stem cell research. The fact is I didn't. What's welfare that weights, I don't even know which idiot came out with that phrase. What weights for me might never weights for you. And I am just governor, I have no case in homeland security, that's a promise made out of my own boundaries. This is what's wrong with the people on high seats, direct sales, and insurance agents.

I'll call out a national referendum to hang all direct sales men

They are unethical, they think everyone is stupid and they are out to test your wits. No I don't believe in Amware, I like Tupperware. And the only solution for you is to shout my name tonight! 100,000 one of you, I'm counting on you to change the world. Once I'm in the cabinet, I'll call out a national referendum to hang all direct sales men

Whoa, that's cruel Andrew.
No, didn't you learn anything after reading all these? I said hang, I didn't say 'hang to death'.

1 comment:

Eli James said...

I'll vote for you!

Read that carefully: I didn't say when, where or how...