Sunday, December 10, 2006

I am Looking Forward To Cicakman

Now what about that sounds so funny? Is it not true that Malaysians should support our local fruit, vegetable, porn, i mean film, industries?

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Admit it. You have been watching too many lousy animal themed animated filems. Time to go Rabun, Sepet, Gubra and Mohsin. Or if you don't like Yasmin Ahmad's style go watch Ciplak, which doesn't handle such thorny issues. Or Rain Dogs, for that matter, if you think Sepet is not art house enough.

And yes, i'm starting to think our local film industry is starting to pick up. Things are looking brighter, just when our political scene is going back to hell again - which leads us to ponder on whether or not hard times produces good art. The signals are all out there, biding time - Cinta the movie looks really good, and has been receiving some hefty support from the local community. Or maybe i'm just watching too much ntv7 when i should have been blogging. Or maybe i just like Sharifah Amani.

Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. We should stop pirating. Stop ciplaking. Stop jumping on bikes and mat rempiting. We are Malaysians and it's about time the world gets a taste of the forbidden durian. We're not clones of external cultures. Not quite yet.

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They, unfortunately, are.

Just enjoy the trailer. And tell me where i can buy ori CDs of all these movies.

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