Saturday, December 23, 2006

Colonized By Politicians. Two Worlds Apart.

The poem below struck me as how relevant it still is today, long after the NEP was supposed to have acheived its aim. Racial tension is at an all time high, Malaysian lethargicness is paraded in the streets for all to see. Where is our country going? We do not know. What is Pak Lah doing? We do not know. Read and think:

Father Utih


He has one wife - whom he embraces until death
five children who want to eat everyday
an old hut where an inherited tale is hanging
a piece of barren land to cultivate.

The skin of his hands is taut and calloused
accustomed to any amount of sweat
O Father Utih, the worthy peasant.

But malaria comes hunting them
even though he offers a million prayers
and Mother Utih calls the village medicine man
for magic formulas, curses repeatedly chanted.

The medicine man with his reward goes home
with money and a pullet tied together.


In towns the leaders keep shouting
of elections and the people’s freedom
of thousand-fold prosperity in a sovereign state
a golden bridge of prosperity into the world hereafter.

When victory brightly shines
the leaders in cars move forward,
their chests thrust forward
O! the beloved subjects wave their hands.

Everywhere there are banquets and festivities
delicious roast chicken is served
chicken from the village promised prosperity.

Father Utih still waits in prayer
where are the leaders going in their limousines?

(Translated by Adibah Amin)

Pak Utih


Punya satu isteri mau dakap sampai mati,
Lima anak mau makan setiap hari,
Teratak tua digayuti cerita pusaka,
Sebidang tanah tandus untuk huma.

Kulit tangan tegang berbelulang,
Biasa keluarkan peluh berapa saja,
O Pak Utih,
petani yang berjasa.

Tapi malaria senang menjenguk mereka,
Meski dalam sembahyang doa berjuta,
Dan Mak Utih bisa panggil dukun kampung,
Lalu jampi matera serapah berulang-ulang.
Betapa Pak Dukun dan bekalan pulang,
Wang dan ayam dara diikat bersilang.


Di kota pemimpin berteriak-teriak,
Pilihanraya dan kemerdekaan rakyat,
Seribu kemakmuran dalam negara berdaulat,
Jambatan mas kemakmuran sampai ke akhirat.

Ketika kemenangan bersinar gemilang,
Pemimpin atas mobil maju ke depan,
dadanya terbuka,
Ah, rakyat tercinta melambaikan tangan mereka.

Di mana-mana jamuan dan pesta makan,
Ayam panggang yang enak di depan,
Datang dari desa yang dijanjikan kemakmuran.

Pak Utih masih menanti dengan doa,
Bapak-bapak pergi ke mana di mobil besar?

Tongkat Warrant a.k.a. Usman Awang


Aquavires said...

1954...? Has Usman Awang made much of an impact?

Eli James said...

I don't know... Just liked the poem and the translation.